Defense Requests Continuance To Review DNA Analysis

A new trial will be set in the case against Juan Venegas. The 39-year-old Redding man is accused in the murder of David Wicks, who was killed December 21st of last year while working at a Shell Station in Johnson Park just east of Burney. Surveillance shows a person in a yellow rain suit using a flammable liquid to torch Wicks and the store. DNA testing led sheriff’s detectives to arrest Venegas. No motive was ever established. Venegas was being tried for premeditated murder with special circumstances, including a torture allegation, but the case ended in a mistrial in August after the defense raised doubts about the DNA procedures. The jury deliberated for several days until a juror was dismissed for discussing the case with an outsider. An alternate was assigned and after 2 more days of deliberation the jury was unable to agree on a verdict. The D.A.’s office has said that they weren’t going for the death penalty against Venegas. Monday the defense requested a continuance so they can investigate the results of additional DNA analysis done by the state department of justice lab.  A new jury trial date will likely be set December 19th.

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