Biologists Say Salmon Population May Fall After Fish Lose Their Way Home

Remember those hundreds of thousands of young Salmon that were trucked downriver during the drought? Biologists concerned for their survival were confident that they would be able to find their native waters, but now disoriented Salmon in California are having a hard time finding their way back upstream. The wayward Salmon were part of generations of baby Salmon that hatchery authorities carried toward the Pacific in tanker trucks in 2014 and 2015. California’s fierce five-year drought made the water too hot for the cold-water Salmon to survive the trip on their own. It was feared that the young fish that survived the temperature fluctuations would then be killed by non-native predators thriving in the depleted water levels. Officials say trucking baby Salmon downstream those years helped save many. But many of those Salmon are getting lost now that it’s time to head back upstream to reproduce, and winding up in other watersheds. John McManus of the Golden Gate Salmon Association says the result could be a dip in the overall Salmon population in 2020.

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