Grant From Walt Disney Company Will Benefit Magnolia Park

The story of Magnolia Park is a story of citizens making local government work for them. The little park located off Placer Street behind the Shasta County Office of Education was almost doomed until the surrounding neighborhood got wind of the plans. They started a vigorous grass roots campaign, attended meetings of various boards and councils, and set up a website to gather around 800 signatures in support of their efforts. With the full cooperation of the City of Redding and the County Schools Office, an $88,000 grant was obtained from the state to match city funds and purchase the nearly 2 acre park to serve the community in perpetuity. Now the park will get even better. The Redding Community Services Department has been awarded grant funding from the Walt Disney Company and National Recreation and Parks Association to expand and resurface the basketball court and buy new hoops. So now a space that otherwise may have been sold for private development will continue to echo with the happy sounds of children at play.

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