Convicted Drug Dealer Faces 7 Years In Prison

A drug dealer who was busted twice last year at a Lake Boulevard trailer park has been found guilty by a Shasta County jury. 50-year-old Reginald Matthews was distributing various drugs throughout North Redding and the Downtown area. A search warrant served at the home of he and his girlfriend at the Oakwood Mobile Home Park in June revealed Methamphetamine, Heroin and prescription pills, along with a large amount of cash. Matthews was awaiting court action on the first bust when another search warrant was served in November and officers found Matthews in possession of a large quantity of Heroin and Methamphetamine packaged for sale, along with scales, packaging and a lot of cash. They also found photographs of Matthews holding a handgun, which he’s forbidden to possess because of prior felonies. The photo had enough clarity that officers could see the serial number had been grinded off. Matthews told them the gun is now in Oregon somewhere. Wednesday a jury returned guilty verdicts on six drug and gun related charges. When he’s sentenced August 7th he faces up to 7 years 8 months in state prison.

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