Man Shot By CHP Officer In 2013 Faces Life In Prison

A Redding man could get a very long prison sentence for attacking a CHP Officer six years ago in Trinity County. In April of 2013, CHP Officer Chad Barnes saw Sean Karjala speeding in an eastbound Kia on Highway 299 near Douglas City. Karjala pulled into the Indian Creek RV Park to try and elude the officer, but when he pulled back onto the highway, Officer Barnes stopped him in front of the Indian Creek Lodge. While speaking with Karjala through the open driver’s side window, Barnes smelled alcohol and marijuana and asked Karjala to step out for a field sobriety test. Karjala got out with a hatchet in his hand and ran toward Officer Barnes, who retreated around the car ordering Karjala to stop. When Karjala charged at the officer again with the hatchet raised above his head, Barnes shot him four times. Karjala still tried to get up, but was forced back to the ground and subdued. Karjala was flown to Mercy Medical Center in Redding and after a lengthy recovery, he was taken into custody by federal authorities. At the time of his arrest he was awaiting federal court action on 36 counts of sex crimes involving a child under the age of 16. He pled not guilty in that case and posted his 250-Thousand Dollar bail prior to the incident in Trinity County. He has yet to face the sex charges, but he was tried by a judge in Trinity County last week and found guilty of attempted murder of a peace officer. When he’s sentenced July 26th he could get 30 years to life in prison.

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