Shasta County Grand Jury Report Released

The outgoing Shasta County Grand Jury has issued their report. Among the agencies investigated, the Shasta County Jail was investigated as the result of a September complaint alleging inadequate medical services and treatment of inmates. The Grand Jury was unable to find evidence supporting the complaint, but instead found that the jail’s medical services met state regulations, stayed within it’s budget and provides effective, unbiased and timely care for inmates. Grand Jury members also examined operations at SHASCOM and found many past issues remain unsolved, including a shortage of dispatchers leading to excessive overtime and low employee morale. The report cited inadequate recruitment efforts. The Grand Jury also identified issues related to SHASCOM’s technical support systems. The agency has a new computer-aided dispatch system that became operational in October and is still undergoing modification and fine tuning. The report says that member agencies and SHASCOM’s board receive regular updates on CAD performance and system integration because the new system does not yet meet the dispatching needs of SHACOM. Grand jurors also expressed concerns about Code Red, concluding that it is underutilized because it’s poorly advertised to the public and is minimally user-friendly. Discrepancies were also noted in the agency’s management and recommended hiring a management consultant. SHASCOM is in the process of hiring a new director. The Grand Jury’s report can be accessed by clicking here.

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