CHP Airplane Crew Helps Locate Overdue Trucker

A truck driver who was reported as overdue got to safety with help from above. Last Thursday afternoon, a company reported that one of their truck drivers was overdue. The driver hadn’t arrived at his destination that morning as scheduled. A GPS tracking device indicated the truck was located on Big Bend Road, west of Highway 299. Due to inclement weather and bad road conditions, authorities were unable to conduct a search. On Saturday morning, a CHP airplane was able to look for the missing truck. About an hour later, the semi and trailer were spotted on Summit Lake Road, about 20 miles away from the previous GPS ping. Using a public address system, the airplane crew determined that the truck driver was uninjured. A CHP helicopter was then dispatched to the scene. They rescued the trucker and took him back to Benton Airpark. They then helped him get a hot meal and a ride to a local hotel.

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