Supervisor Recall Supporters Begin Gathering Signatures

The people who want to recall three Shasta County Supervisors have hit the ground running with their freshly approved petitions, and they have their work cut out for them. In order to get the question on a ballot to be decided in a special election, signatures must be gathered from 20% of registered voters in each of the three districts represented by Joe Chimenti, Mary Rickert and Leonard Moty. That’s a total of more than 13,000 signatures, and they’ll need to collect a significantly larger number than that to make up for any that are not found to be legitimate. The three petitions need to be submitted by September 29th. County Clerk Cathy Darling-Allen says the cost to taxpayers for a special election to recall a single supervisor would be $400,000. For all three, it would be $640,000.

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