Man Sentenced For Attacking Woman With Crowbar Over Debt

A Tehama County woman who was attacked with a crowbar not only refused to testify against her attacker, she actually testified on his behalf. The woman had previously dated Cody Ben Bowen, and apparently she owed him some money. He showed up at her home demanding the debt and used a crowbar to break the front door window and then break down the door so he could get inside. He then struck the woman with the crowbar and kicked her when she was down. He started breaking other things in the home with the crowbar until she said she would pay him. He then allowed her to leave to go get the money. Without her testimony, prosecutors were forced to settle for one felony count of assault. Bowen has been given 60 days in jail and a 4 year prison sentence that’s suspended on condition of 3 years probation.

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