California Farm Region Plagued By Dirty Air Looks To Trump

FRESNO, Calif. (AP) – California’s vast San Joaquin Valley is the country’s most productive farming region, and it’s engulfed by some of the nation’s dirtiest air. Seyed Sadredin of the San Joaquin Valley air district says he can’t meet federal air standards. He’s seizing upon Donald Trump’s election to wage a campaign against enforcement of the ever-tightening rules. He hopes a Republican-dominated Congress and regulators under a Trump administration will be more sensitive to his district’s plight than during the Obama administration. Critics such as environmentalist Brent Newell say the district is trying to relax rules that make the air cleaner for millions. He says the district should be pressing for more authority to make stricter rules. Researchers say the valley’s bad air sends hundreds of people each year to an early grave.

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