Water District Rate Payers To Appeal Fines To Supervisors

A county water service district in Jones Valley imposed a number of fines against ratepayers for exceeding the maximum allowed water usage, and on Tuesday the Shasta County Board of Supervisors will get an earful from some of those ratepayers. The water shortage urgency ordinance was passed by the board on June 27th, allowing a maximum of 225 gallons per day for most households. The penalty for a first offense was established at $100, with the fine structure going sharply up for subsequent violations. The ordinance allowed for an appeals process, and that’s what 23 different ratepayers will bring to the board on Tuesday. Jones Valley residents have been bickering with the county since the ordinance first went into effect, some claiming it’s just not fair and others claiming that the system has such massive leaks in its lines that the amount of water for which the fines are imposed is literally a drop in the bucket.

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