California Redwood Coast Tops Lonely Planet 2018 Best In US

Lonely Planet, the travel guidebook company, put California’s Redwood Coast No. 1 on its top 10 list of U.S. destination for 2018. Lonely Planet recommended the region, which includes Redwood National Park, as a place to “lose all track of time” – along with your cell signals. This year the national park marks 50 years since it was founded. Second on the list was Boise, Idaho, which Lonely Planet described as epitomizing “what cool looks like before the rest of the world has figured it out.” Filling out the rest of the top 10 list were Chattanooga, Tennessee; Florida’s Space Coast, which includes NASA’s Kennedy Space Center near Cape Canaveral; Cincinnati; Maine’s midcoast; Richmond, Virginia; Kentucky bourbon country; Minneapolis and southeastern Utah.

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