Study Envisions Major San Francisco Bay Area Earthquake

OAKLAND, Calif. (AP) – Scientists, emergency managers and others have released a study describing plausible impacts from a hypothetical magnitude 7 earthquake on the Hayward fault, which has long been considered a major threat to the San Francisco Bay region. The scenario – called “HayWired” – was released Wednesday, the 112th anniversary of the 1906 San Francisco earthquake. It’s intended as a guide for residents and policymakers on earthquake-risk reduction. The scenario envisions the epicenter under the East Bay city of Oakland and a rupture extending along 52 miles of the fault. Impacts include 800 deaths, 18,000 injuries, building collapses, raging fires and property and direct business losses topping $82 billion. Damage from the main shock and factors such as fires and utility outages could displace about 411,000 people.

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