Fire In North Redding Contained At 38 Acres

For a few hours Sunday it looked like a disaster was brewing in North Redding, but it was stopped by Redding Fire Department, with the help of some mutual aid. The Masonic Fire began around 10AM in the wooded Sulfur Creek Canyon behind the former Masonic Temple off Lake Boulevard, and the smoke plume grew quickly as the flames chewed through vegetation that has burned and grown back countless times over the years. As the fire crossed the canyon and climbed the hill toward the houses on the other side, the Barbara Drive Neighborhood overlooking North Market was ordered to evacuate. Residents south of Benton Drive were told to prepare for possible evacuation, but that fortunately did not become necessary. The only structural damage was to a single house on Barbara Drive. Also, a homeless man suffered second degree burns early on in the fire. A total of 38 acres was scorched before shaky containment was declared at around Two O’clock. That’s when we caught up to Interim Redding Fire Chief Collen Kreider. He said some electricity to the area was cut off at the request of the fire department. the de-energized lines were apparently unrelated to widespread outages in East Rredding Sunday. The cause of the Masonic Fire is under investigation. It apparently started in an established homeless camp. Resources included 120 personnel with 30 engines, 4 water tenders, 2 hand crews, 2 air tankers, a water dropping helicopter, and more.

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