Labor Force Increases As Employment Rate Drops

The job outlook continues to improve, with Shasta County showing an unemployment rate last month of just 4.3%. That’s 3-tenths of a percent down from August and 6-tenths of a percent down from September of last year. The labor force increased by 800 people between August and September, and that means the drop in unemployment can be seen as an increase in jobs and not just an indication of people dropping out of the job search, according to Employment Development Department Labor Market Analyst Sheila Stock. The job scene may get even better as a result of the disastrous Carr Fire as a number of temporary cleanup jobs are being filled this week. Tehama County’s jobless rate was 4.7% last month. It was 4% in Trinity County and 4.9% in Siskiyou County. California’s unemployment rate fell to a record low of 4.1% in September, down from 4.2% for the previous five months.

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