Cowboys Loot Found, Lone Stranger & Accomplice Remain Unidentified

The Asphalt Cowboys loot was found Tuesday night at a yellow traffic barricade chained to a light pole in front of the Asphalt Cowboys clubhouse. The finder gets $1000. The Lone Stranger and Accomplice have not yet been identified. The reward is now $800 for naming the strangers. The reward goes down $200 a day. The dastardly masked duo can be seen in a Facebook live post on the KQMS Facebook page, though that may not help in identifying them. We have clues that might help:

As the standard chase ensued,
The Asphalt Cowboys faced rejection.
They lost them at the bluff
Even though they pointed in the right direction.

That was Tuesday’s clue; Here’s Wednesday’s:

Running from the posse was easy,
Pressed on all night they did
Electing to plot their escape,
Still under the stars they hid.

To identify the stranger and accomplice, call 223-1188.

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