Condron Homes – Building Homes With American Made Products

With so many products being manufactured outside of the U.S., Condron Homes is committed to building homes that feature all American made products.

Inspired by Diane Sawyer’s ‘Made-In-America’ series, Condron Homes has made the commitment to utilize all American made products in their new homes. “My eyes were opened as I watched a news story about a builder in Montana using all American made products” says Corey Condron. It is a simple concept that most company owners overlook every day. Condron adds “Building new homes with American products will positively impact our local and National economies and it is something our customers will take pride in for years to come.” Condron Homes hopes this will set a precedence to challenge other local builders to join in the American made concept to strengthen the health of the Spokane area economy and bring awareness to owning a new home. It has never been a better time to buy a home, especially a new home. Interest rates are at historical lows, banks are willing to lend money and home prices are poised to rise in the near future.

Made-In-America Disclosure:

To support the U.S. economy and to do our part in keeping Americans employed, Condron Homes, LLC is committed to using materials, products and components which are “Made-In-America”. Condron also endeavors to only use workers and craftsman who are U.S. citizens and are in compliance with all Federal, State and local laws and regulations with regard to housing and construction. Even with significant efforts being made, with the Global economy being as it is, it is not practical and may not even be possible to build a new home entirely (100%) of “Made-In-America” products and materials. Generally, as of January 1, 2013, all speculative homes built by Condron Homes, LLC are made, as much as is practical, with American made products and materials. The amount of American made products and materials used in pre-sold homes built by Condron will vary depending on the desires and budget of the Purchaser. Condron Homes, LLC hereby notifies Purchaser that even though Condron markets and promotes itself as a “Made-In-America” Builder, Condron Homes are not 100% made with American products and materials and Purchaser herby relinquishes any misrepresentation or other claim against Condron for products and materials included in Purchaser’s home which were not American made.

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(509) 325-4865


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